Better Abolish the Death Penalty – in all ways

Today two of the ‘Bali 9’ were executed in Indonesia.

Is the current outrage about the death penalty, only about the death penalty for Australian’s – or all citizens, of all countries, in all countries, for all crimes.

Also, and as important, what other two citizens of Australia have done the wrong thing to find the support of the Australian Government (withdrawing our Ambassador?) – two citizens affecting the lives, international relationships, travel safety, trade, the economy of 22 million?

In 2013 – 2400 executions in China (figures are approx as statistic are ‘state secrets’).
In Saudi Arabia, death penalty for adultery, homosexuality.
1153 – number of Australian Citizens killed in road crashes in 2014.
41 Australian soldiers have died in Iraq (42 in Afghanistan) – I stand for mercy (should we bring these boys home?)

Four days ago was Anzac Day and tens of thousands of Australians went out to show their respects – it was all over the media, for weeks/months before, souvenirs were everywhere including On The Run which had bears (?) in Anzac Uniforms – in the last four days in the morning, or at the going down of the sun, have you remembered them – I stand in remembrance.

EVERY week, on average, one Australian woman is killed by a current or former partner – I stand for mercy.

Stop having the media dictate your beliefs, opinions and causes.

  • Donate some money to any Nepal earthquake relief fund.
  • Volunteer at a Nursing Home or to help kids.
  • Pick up rubbish in the street.
  • Drive courteously.
  • Sell all of your TV’s and computers except one of each – donate the money to charity (you still have more that most people in the world).
  • Being overweight is from eating to much.
  • Walk around the supermarket and feel privileged (and a little disgusted) at all the wonderful food we have so easily.
  • Go and visit you Mum/Dad instead of rushing to…… whatever (ask them about when they were young!)

Stop talking about yesterday, learn from it and move on, plan for tomorrow.

If you want to stop the death penalty, do something about it – outrage is not enough – watching the new today and My Kitchen Rules tomorrow, wont really make a difference – where the fuck did I put that Anzac Day Bear?

I do stand for mercy, in all of my life, in all things.

Better Favourite Stories

I was driving interstate with my wife the other day and we both have a tendancy to chat on our trips together – actually it is one of the best parts.

We both only commented the other day that we are ‘good’ at going away on holidays and as we drive or fly further away we experience what my old mate Des used to describe as he would drive away on holidays with our mate Puck –  “It’s all back there mate, I can feel it all dropping away.”

Often during these trips (and my wife advises me just as regularly in day to day life) I have a tendency to talk a lot and tell stories.  Now the art of story telling, for men anyway, is that the general theme of the story must remain the same but the details are what we would describe as ‘flexible.’  Of course with all stories they are modifiable to any particular audiences, from your children to your grandmothers’ knitting group.

So we were travelling and my wife started to tell a story.  She immediately go into the detail and background.  Our story telling is often like that old Ronny Corbett skit where he would sit in a lounge chair tell a joke but, go off on so many tangents that telling one simple joke would take about 15 minutes – I suppose a lot like my blog posts!  So my wife started to get all animated about this story and I started to recount to her all the details of the story and what it meant to her.  Yes, it was one of those stories she had told me 10 or maybe 20 times before and I think I am at the stage where at a pinch I could retell it and you’d think it happened to me – come to think of it I may have already actually done that.

My wife didn’t seem at all disappointed that I knew the story or that she had told me a dozen times.  She did point out that I actually retell stories to her much more than she does to me but she is nice enough not to point it out to me until I suddenly look over at her and say “I’ve told you this before haven’t I?”

It was then that we had a chat about our story telling and why we do it.  In fact why do we all like stories so much.  If you don’t think that’s true, think about the times you get together with old mates and start talking about the ‘glory days’ – often everybody is animated and it is probably hard to get a word in edgeways.

My wife said to me that it was the telling of the story that gave you back the feelings of the memory.  Of course she was right (aren’t our wives always!).

I do tell stories because I like to entertain people and make them laugh if I can.  But, I also tell stories for me.  They are usually moments in my life which were high on emotion, adventure, drama, danger, even love; or the best of all laughter.  By telling the stories we get to have that moment again.

Of course I am talking about ‘good’ moments not perhaps the ones that haunt us (or people we know) through PTSD or stress – those stories I think and hope will fade and remain in the past.  As Master Bra’Tac said to Teal’c (Sorry these are characters from a science fiction TV series called Stargate – I love science fiction stories!)

“Draw from your past, but do not let your past draw from you”

So, I think I’ll keep telling stories – I will draw from my past and hopefully re-live those moments that have made me who I am; of course modified for appropriate humour and embellished for maximum entertainment.  I still intend to be an interested grandfather, but there is nothing wrong with being interesting as well.

Sorry, that there are no graphics or pictures with this post, but I am away on holidays and I left it all back there, it just all dropped away!


Better Plans and Yesterdays

Yesterday was Easter and I said before Easter that I wasn’t going to be Better at Oblivious…. well, to everything.

But, what happens when you attempt to notice everything, all the glory of the world, all the stuff that you miss day to day, all the stuff that makes noticing worth it….

And….. suddenly….IMG_4828

YOU (Yeah, you)

Get in the way……?

You had a plan, you had an idea, you even had an ideal with that idea – and you, yeah you, got in the way of your own plan, your own idea, your own ideal…..

You got in the way because everyone else got in your way.

You had a plan to be calm in traffic…
But you got on the road with every fuckwit who ever drove a highway…

You had a plan to enjoy the moment…
But every moment was filled with have to; not want to; and definitely not, can’t want to…

You had a plan to have some ‘you’ time…
You, became them, then us, then all of us, then a party, then a place full of people who wouldn’t go home…

You had a plan to sleep in, or wake early and greet the morning sun..
You just slept because you were so fucking tired…

You got in the way because everyone else got in your way, and you let them, you let them live in your head and not pay rent……

and now another day is gone, you didn’t notice it, it just got in the way of all the stuff you had to do that day… which was mainly not letting anything get in your way…… and it did?

What a fucking waste….
Don’t let it happen again….



Better off Oblivious

I have just emerged from a period of getting stuff done, making lists and ticking stuff off, keeping and making appointments, lunching and ringing.  I am in the zone, I am getting shit done and I am making headway.  I read the news and have an opinion, I care about the world, the people, the weather (which incidentally in the last 12 months I have come to realise climate change may actually be real – no, it is real – and it is possibly our fault…), I post shit and comment on shit……. and……

I am oblivious.

I am oblivious to the fact that it is a miracle that I was actually born and I am hear.
I am oblivious to the luck my birth gave me (good parents, Australia etc etc)
I am oblivious to the billions of miracles occuring around me each moment:
– the sparrows amongst the cafe tables
– the smile of a stranger
– the glory of books (I buy but never find time to read)
– the joy of having friends I can call, or not
– the sun on my face

I hate not watching the news and knowing what’s going on – I hate it more doing it and knowing it.  I am aware of the tragedies of the world and oblivious to their real suffering.  I watch the news and concentrate on the advertisements.  I am driven by the news and consuming and oblivious to the neighbours in my street.

I am happy, but oblivious to the sun on my face.

Tomorrow: it is Easter, and I am not going to watch the news; I am not going to live the day oblivious, on auto pilot and 30 second commercial grabs:


I am going to notice…..