Mindfulness – Acceptance

I sometimes think that the words that are used to describe the practices within mindfulness, do not describe them in the way that is so easy to get.

It is a bit like mindfulness is about something, but nothing, and therefore getting that grip on mindfulness is so difficult, but, then again, if that is the case then it isn’t very mindful.

So I have to accept this.  It is a bit like Robert De Niro in the movie ‘The Deer Hunter’ – “This is this, this ain’t something else, this is this…”

Acceptance is just that, the thoughts, feelings, sensations and beliefs that you are experiencing right now are not anything else.  They are feelings, I try and feel the feelings and sometimes when I am doing this I get the full realisation that they are intangible; they are there but they are not.

What’s more, they are not changing my world, they can’t do this, only the actions I choose to take cancan.


Mindfulness is actually not magic.  sometimes it appears that way, but, it really is about not just knowing something but understanding it, then most importantly, making that understanding observable in you.  sometimes all it takes is to stop, look now and accept that in this moment, things just are.

This, truly, is, just this.

All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!