Better with Bob

Bob is a bloke who changed my life.

He was the mentor I had without having a mentor and the bloke who changed just about everything about the way I looked at the world.

Bob is a well know character in South Australia, being a Vietnam Veteran, Screw (prison officer) and a leading member of the Country Fire Service.P1020315

I first met Bob when he gave a lecture on Leadership at a work conference. I latter invited him to be a guest speaker on a training courses I was running; and after that I invited him to every training course I ever ran.

I think I did this because each time he spoke (and I heard him over 20 times), I learned something new.

Bob would mainly talk about life, how he saw it, how he saw the people in it and to a certain extent, what it all possibly meant.

Bob is the kind of bloke who believes the world needs more warriors and less victims. He often says, people walk around going poor me, poor me and finishes off by saying “Pour me, another scotch.”

Bob has given me a lot of information which I hope I am transcribing into wisdom.

I will hopefully be able to share some of Bobs wisdom (perhaps more often that I practice it in my life!) but if you are interested in a few of the things Bob is involved in, follow the below links:

Trojans Trek

Bob has also written a few books including his experiences in Vietnam and history on World War 2:

Silent Voices

I hope in future posts I will be able to do justice to what Bob, often unknowingly, has said which has guided me, made me think, made me evaluate and sometimes helped me get rid of things in my life – I know one thing, he has made me a better man.