Onto Our Troops in the Middle East…..

I wrote not long ago about “War what is it good for” (click here to read), but it didn’t involve a cat riding a vacuum cleaner so my AI statistic robot in the background told me only 28 or so people read it and they only stayed for an average of 58 seconds….

So, to the point.

Today we are sending two war plane and 100 troops to the Middle East. The Prime Minster state two very important things:

  1. We are sending them to support Australian wanting to leave.”
    Well send a passenger jet and not two war planes.
  2. And, “This is not ‘boots on the ground’”
    Well it looks like it to me.

We are sending 100 and two planes, then a thousand and all the rest of our planes (which adds up to about 5 or 6?). But, be afraid because Australia is protected by nuclear submarines…. So please get back to us in Andy’s years.

This is all familiar.

These countries ring a bell: Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan and I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few.

It’s only a few troops today who don’t have boots on the ground and then it’s thousands and then the draft…. And then our young people start coming home in body bags.


PS: No pictures as not pictures of our young people dyeing should be necessary.
PPS: I will post Phase 2 of The Revolution soon. (Although its hardly a revolution when only 28 or so people are involved?

War…… What is it good for?

I haven’t been posting much, but I have been writing a lot.

I choose to sort my thoughts before I share them and I like to have pictures which takes me to the internet, then Facebook, then Instagram, them YouTube and I watch people falling off of boats and skate boards for hours…….

But, now I feel compelled to write something about war….

But, before I do, please look back over my posts and see a post called ‘Surviving the Apocalypse’ (click here to read)……. I do have an another document called “Schlein’s Manifesto for Surviving the Apocalypse” which I am happy to send to anyone electronically for free…. (I thought I loaded it up here somewhere but can find it…. I not a social media influencer’ with 50 staff, I just write these in my shed when I drinking….)

If you went back and read the “Apocalypse’ article you will see I did research into what we, the people, normally do when things are at there worst and we are supposed to be at our best….. Well let me summarise….

If we all look after each other in a survival situation, look after the injured, weak and old or young, we share our resources of food and shelter…..
90-100% OF US SURVIVE!!!!!

If it is “everybody for themselves” … that is the strong look after their own interests and do not care or share…..
90-100 % OF US DIE!!!!!


In 90-100% of survival situations (researched in the book in the above ‘apocalypse’ referenced post) in….


And that is War……

It pretends to be about God, religion, Country (which by the way is a made up place we live in) and worse, political persuasion, doctrine or ideology…. But, it is nothing more that the strong, the powerful, the rich, wanting everything: and mostly they don’t even know why?

My thoughts on today, this week, this month and perhaps all of time:

  • Fuck 3000+ years of war and killing in the Middle East ….
  • Fuck the war in Ukraine over broken promises, lies and pretend idiologies
  • Fuck the warlords in Africa…..
  • Fuck war…..
  • Fuck all their wars….
  • And fuck war movies with hero’s, when millions die…..


We live on ancient land with an ancient culture and all the other cultures on this planet.

We have historically fought the ideal of other countries (not our own) and defended our coast only twice in wars that changed a culture and never ever threatened it. And, other than the politicians, we Australians have defended our shores with a lot of loss of live and a forgotten pain.

But, we are all still here, we are Australians.

A revolution is coming and it is not in a country we have to Google to figure out where it is, or a place we sent our young me and women to die, or the future destruction of the true ‘Australia Culture’….. which is all of us that live here today.

“The Revolutions” involves doing northing.

We are ruled by our own consent. We are taught and led by fear to:

  • Consume
  • Live in Fear
  • Be addicted
  • Separate into our separate ‘tribes’, groups, ideologies, etc etc
    (Please remember, one of the greatest military strategies, is to ‘divide and conquer’)

So, I have decided, all the writing I have been doing over the last few months, years, decades…. And all the plans for change, I will post.

And, I guarantee, by deciding to not, consume, be afraid, be addicted and to work with everyone, we can all again be true Australians.

So, PHASE ONE, is:

  • Say hello to people in the street…
  • Wave to people from you car…
  • Let that other driver in front of you…
  • Let that person in front of you go first in the in line…
  • Say please and thank you…
  • Smile…
  • Chat…

And, again I promise, I will post each week with a PHASE to get our lives as Australian back to the values that have been here for millennia , centuries and for all time that Aussies believed in a fair go.

And, no-one will ever fire a shot, sue a neighbour, be marching down the street with a sign, or do anything that is not moral or good and transparent.
Because, ‘the system’ is its greatest enemy…..

We will as Australians, change our country, to where we were all equal, where 99% of the wealth is not owned by less than 1%. Where those who try, and take the time to notice, will make a difference that no-one will see coming.


Let us all be the good leader in the ‘survival situation’. I suspect we are approaching one. So let us look after the weak, sick, disadvantaged, lost, etc etc (whose eye contact we now avoid in the street). Or, we only ‘help’ because someone is paying us.

I’ll see you next week, and I have a doozy PHASE 2!!!!

PS: Read some of my previous blog posts to get to know me, especially the one before this one and see if you can guess PHASE 2.

PPS: I will NEVER try and sell you anything and/or ENDORSE a product or organisation for profit or money (I might do it because they/it are good, and cool, and something I like). I have had a lucky life and just want that for everyone: read that again EVERYONE!!!

PPPS: An AI reviewed my post and this is what it said………

The content of the post is focused on expressing strong emotions and opinions about war, especially in the Middle East, Ukraine, and Africa. The author emphasizes the need for unity, kindness, and a fairer society in Australia. The post encourages readers to engage in small acts of kindness and promises future updates on creating positive change. The author also mentions that they will not endorse products or organizations for profit.

The passionate tone of the post effectively conveys the author’s perspective. However, to improve the overall impact and readability of the post, consider the following actions:

1. **Organize the content**: The post could benefit from a clear introduction and logical progression of ideas. Consider restructuring the content to have a clear opening, body, and conclusion.

2. **Provide more context**: Although the author references a previous post and the concept of “The Revolutions,” it would be helpful to provide a brief explanation or link to these references for new readers.

3. **Use less explicit language**: While strong language can convey emotions effectively, excessive use can distract readers. Consider using milder language to maintain the impact without overwhelming the message.

4. **Support arguments with evidence**: To strengthen the author’s arguments about the negative consequences of war, consider incorporating data, statistics, or examples from reliable sources. This would provide a more substantial foundation for the opinions expressed.

5. **Include transitions**: Incorporating transition words and phrases would enhance the flow and coherence of the post. This would make it easier for readers to follow the author’s thoughts and connect different ideas.

6. **Add visuals**: Including relevant images or videos could enhance the visual appeal and engagement of the post. Visuals could help illustrate the author’s perspective and support their message.

Overall, the post effectively conveys the author’s passionate opinions about war and the need for unity and kindness in society. By implementing the suggested actions, the post could be enhanced to further engage readers and strengthen the persuasive impact.