Better at Blogging

I have come straight to my blog without reading back anything I might have written recently, working on the fact that I haven’t written anything recently.

I was thinking that my blog was supposed to be my ‘writing experience’ on the internet.  A place where I could put down my thoughts and ideas and be considered a great sage… or something similar!  But, I suppose I have to actually write something now and again for that to even be a remote possibility.


I will trying being a better blogger by being a prolific blogger, well, for a week anyway.  I think most habits can be broken (just for information today is 7 weeks since I STOPPED smoking – I have not had one puff, and I think that is a record!!!!) and I also think good habits, practiced, can be instilled in life.

This is the first entry in the BETTER BLOGGING CHALLENGE.


All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!