Better at Happy

I am writing this blog entry live as I am teaching myself about now…. That is noticing now and doing something about it… That would be noticing it!!!

I am happy.

I have tried to consider what it is like to be naked in the world (and it just occurred to me that is the way we come in and go out) in a previous blog and I suppose this is me getting my gear off.

I am happy.

I am realising this in a country town in South Australia while I am on holidays with my wife. We are doing nothing special other then sitting around after having a day out driving around the area (and while I was doing this I realise I had become my parents!!) and now after putting the aerial on the caravan (again I can’t believe I have a caravan!!!) so that my wife can watch X factor, I realised…. I am happy.

The word may end tomorrow, or we could just have another fight with the kids about drinking and tattooing, but, NOW, I am happy.

Take a moment, sometime, anytime, and look at your life, for what it really is, and probably, you too are happy, it is okay and alright….. If not run, really run, really hard until you find a place to rest. Then consider again, after your run, are you happy.

None of this is mine to consider for you, but, don’t be unhappy if you can not find that moment, any moment, in any day, to be naked and say….

I am happy…. Now.

All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!