Better at Saying Hello

I haven’t written for a while as I have been working on a few posts all at once – all in which I hate the world!

I try to live my ‘mantras’ everyday; you know the ones, peace, mindfulness etc etc, but life, people, problems and more people, get in the way (one of the posts I was working on was called “Swimming in Shit” – so you get the gist of where my head has been!)Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 23.19.57

Then things changed and I realised, in a moment, the power of “HELLO”.

I met a friend who I hadn’t seen for a while and they were just glad to see me.  They said HELLO – with their EYES, their SMILE and their HEART.  It was a Hello that made me happy straight away.  I think it also set the scene for the brief conversation we had – it was positive, it was upbeat, we laughed and we talked about ‘good stuff’.

The goodbye came and it was a good goodbye – if wasn’t a “let’s do lunch” goodbye, it wasn’t ‘I’ll call you goodbye’, it wasn’t a ‘we should do this more often’ goodbye – it was a goodbye, that said it was good to be with you, for that moment.

So often I am ‘swimming in shit’ and I have no doubt that sneaks through in every one of my Hellos.  I have to get better at saying ‘hello’.

I (we) are coming to a time of the year where it can be stressful, happy, and sad at the same time.  It can be wonderful with kids and family and friends, when at the same time we are thinking of those that are not with us anymore.

It is also a time of the year when we see lots of people.

It is a time of the year for lots of “Hellos”.

I am going to be better at saying “Hello”.

Hello will be with my heart
Hello will be with my eyes (I’m looking at you)
Hello with be with my smile (Greeting people you know is great!)
Hello because I’m glad to see you (because I or you, may not be here tomorrow)
Hello is for now, this moment

Hello, Hello, Hello – glad to see you, tell me about the good things in your life and I’ll tell you about mine.

Hello, Goodbye – it was great to see you!

All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!