Better Budget Forecast

Today I had to go and pick up our washing from the laundry.

I thought there had been some mistake on the receipt.

(It was only a weeks washing)

We had all our clothes washed, ironed, folded and wrapped in plastic.

I checked the receipt with the young lass at the laundry and apparently it was correct, it was…..


By the way we are holidaying in Bali!

I felt bad as upon arrival I was wearing a new shirt and I asked the girl to iron it for me which she did straight way (I was meeting my wife for dinner and trying to impress!), she refused payment to the point of following me out the store with the extra money I had given her for ironing my shirt…. it was 0.20 cents!  I had to leave it on the counter and run away.

I ran for two reasons.  I felt bad that all our laundry for a week had been done for $1.50 and bad that I ever….. read that ever….. complained about……. well just about anything.

THE FEDERAL BUDGET came out today and I read about it on Adelaide Now after I picked up my laundry.  I saw the figures being quoted about what we were spending, what people were getting and what people were missing out on.

I saw we are cutting our aid to Indonesia.  Why!  Well not because the laundry costs are too high!

I love my blog and love that it is about me (remember it is ALL about me!) but I keep finding that we are disappointing me.  Yes, we the people, and yes, we, me!

I am writing more and more about how I am disappointed in…… well, humanity!

Our Federal Budget is not really about anything.  It is about Child Care being $100 dollars an hour for working Mums and unemployment for our kids being their fault.  It is about old men (who are not really that old) getting their laundry done and not knowing who does it let alone how much it costs.  It is about the maintenance of a 5 million dollars house (why would you ‘need’ that) and people dying on our roads due to lack of maintenance.

It is about millions of dollars when 15 thousand rupiah will get a weeks washing done.

It is about knowing your future by the friends you keep.

Tomorrow I am going to dump lunch at the lodge and have a nasi goering with the laundry girl…. my shout!



All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!