Better Dead

I have a current infatuation with death.

I do not think this is unhealthy as the condition is inevitable. I am just thinking how we go about our lives with this inevitability apparently not effecting the way we actually go about it. I am trying to put it in some sort of context with the rest of my life, but this is difficult. There are lots of things in life that are finite, but most of those we don’t really consider until they are over – including another persons life.

Just spend a minute thinking about someone that is not here anymore -that is dead. I know I often appreciate their life and them more, now. This is not a bad thing, but it is also a difficult thing to do with your own life. Hard to appreciate it when it is over.

It is also hard to measure a life, especially your own. The man adage of “he who dies with the most toys wins” is bullshit. It is bullshit mainly because not one of those things that you were infatuated with in life you can take with you (to where ever that is for you). Also in measuring that life it is hard to know the scale on which to make that measurement. Again, an adage, is it about the years of life or the life in the years.

As I said before in my post Mindfullness (and say often to my friends) “we all end up sitting in a chair, pissing our pants, watching days of our lives and waiting for our relatives to visit who never come”.

I think thinking about death makes you think about life. What if life ended now. It wouldn’t be enough, it never would, but would it any more years, anymore time, really make any difference. WE I be different. Could I let go of the regrets, hates, wants etc etc and live a life that is somehow significant – maybe not important, but at least somehow significant.

Define significant……

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