Better at Ramming Speed

Some phrases that appear, and also appear to be used everywhere, just don’t make sense to me – I mentioned that in my post Better – Yes? – No?

One of those phrases is “Ramming Speed.”

It appears to be in a lot of movies where something rams something else.  There always seems to be a known constant and the need to accelerate to what appears to be a predetermined speed.images-1

Examples are ship rams ship, car rams car and especially spaceship rams spaceship.

The Captain (maybe you have to be a Captain of something?) always yells “Accelerate to ramming speed.”

I realised that ‘ramming speed’ must therefore be a transportation constant.

As such I went to the owners manual of my 2007 Ford Territory, nothing! I searched Google – “Ramming speed for a 2007 Ford Territory,” nothing!

I have therefore decided that ramming people, or anything for that matter, in a 2007 Ford Territory is not recommended.

It would appear that any urges to ram things (particularly in my car) must be overcome.  After all I wouldn’t want to be travelling at the wrong speed.

Does the decision to NOT ram things, make me a better man?

All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!