Better the Dialectic Australian in Bali

Okay, I know I am on what appears another never ending holiday in Bali, but it gives me time to think…..

The word dialectic is pretty complicated in itself – it means basically a logical argument process where two things can exist at the same time which eventually leads to a conclusion…  at the time that the two initial positions are held (the thesis and the anti-thesis!) both can be correct.  The analysis and problem solving (and perhaps even a bit of appreciative enquiry), lead to the a synthesis, which itself then becomes a thesis or anti-thesis….. and so the process goes on.Screen Shot 2015-05-09 at 11.05.19 am

I think Australians in Bali are a thesis and Australians in Adelaide are an anti-thesis, but the media (fuck I hate the media! – Hate, strong word, hurts my soul more than their sales – so, I will rephrase that…. I think the media influences us to much and we let them…) make us believe that there are not two separate things – two separate Australians who both think they are right, both existing at the same time, in the same person.

So lets play a game.  Bali Day and Adelaide Day!

Bali Day
“Good Morning” (I cant understand this local language) “Salamet.. what the fuck!”  Why don’t they speak english.
Adelaide Day
(Any migrant trying to do anything/any tourist trying to do anything)
“Excuse me (use of some other language)
“What the fuck mate if you’re coming her learn to speak Australian”


Bali Day
“Fuck this food is shit and too fucking hot – where can I get a Parmey for fuck sake”
Adelaide Day
“This Halal food is fucking bullshit – where can I get a Parmey for fuck sake”


Bali Day
“Please put on a Sari to go into the temple and be modest in public….” “Yeah, right, get fucked I’m on holidays, skull, skull, skull – show us your tits!!!!”
Adelaide Day
“Ban the Burka you fucking terrorist!”


Bali Day
“In Bali we respect our elders, our President and each other.  If you offend my friend, my President, my family, you offend me, please apologise”.
Adelaide Day
“Our Prime Minister should go to Jakarta and teach the Indonesian President Bloke a few fucking manners….. How dare they offend us by upholding their laws in their own country, they better not come here and tell us what to do…. yeah….. fuck ’em”


Bali Day
“How can I help you”
Adelaide Day
“Are you right?”  (Just pay attention the next time someone serves you)


Bali Day
“I will put out my offerings in the morning praying for a good day, health and happiness, for my country, my family and me (in that order)”
Adelaide Day
“I will read the Newspaper, Surf the Internet, Check Facebook, watch the 6 0’clock news and be told what I will be outraged about today – and, I might have a Parmey.”

My last post was about the death penalty and some food for thought.  I don’t think I actually was strong enough about my thoughts on the Indonesian executions.  So, here I go:


Stop being outraged against this lawful act by another country, in their own country.  I need you to also read the following:


Is this ‘dialectic’ thinking: well perhaps?  But, in the end I will not be outraged because the media tell me to.  I will not be outraged because my Government is doing what the media tells it to.  I will not support offending another nation when we would not tolerate such offence (PS:  I can’t member Indonesia tapping Abbotts’ phone!)

I can not condone the withdrawal of our Ambassador from Indonesia when there are so many Australia’s here that may need the help of our own Goverment – in all honesty, “What the….”  I can not condone outrage today for something that there was no outrage for yesterday and none today and there will be none tomorrow.

Read my last post and think about “perspective”.

Bali Day
I love my country
Adelaide Day
I love my country

All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!