Better Water and a Mobile Phone

I have a couple of vides that I watched the other day and wanted to put them somewhere were I could find them again.  And hopefully somewhere where people who like what I write will like things I like.  That is here.  Both videos I put up on my Facebook page, but so much ‘good advice’ and sage like quotations are posted on Facebook like leaves falling from trees in Autumn that they go unnoticed and have as much profound impact as the sayings they used to print on bus tickets (showing my age here!).

The first video is “This is Water.”  I will provide not explanation or comments until after you have watched it.

This is Water – YouTube

David Foster Wallace made this speech at his University to the graduating class.  The full speech can also be heard on YouTube – click here.

I always want to know more about people whose work I admire.  I looked up David Foster Wallace at Wikipedia and made the shocking discovery that he committed suicide (“suicided” depending on your political correctness views) three years after making this speech.  It just made me a little sad that a man could see the world so well as defined in this speech yet lose himself somewhere along the way.

Okay, shake that one off…….

The next video is I Forgot My Phone.  This is just a great video about how we are thinking we are becoming more connected and in fact are becoming more disconnected.  (1800 ‘Friends’ on Facebook which some kids have – really?!)  I watched this video and then I posted it on Facebook and got 5 ‘Likes’ and 3 Comments – the funny thing is that the day before I had posted a silly photograph of my mother and got 47 ‘Likes’ in a couple of hours?

I am hoping that insight in todays world is not just about looking at things but has something to do with actually seeing them and the ‘in’ part of insight has something to do with us looking at ourselves in a world we are a part of.

I do know that being a better man has nothing to do with getting more ‘Likes’.

All Comments are appreciated. All comments are read and answered by me, a real person!!!