Better at Meetings

I have always loved the satirical comment that meetings are the best practical alternative toScreen Shot 2015-05-18 at 9.56.13 am work!

Previously my work meetings were like a national pastime, fun, but rarely productive.

I could go through all the ‘types’ of meetings and the usual business analysis of their productivity and how to improve, but that has been done to death in just about every business journal, self-help book and sage advice from the business expert imaginable.

I suppose the one thing I will agree on is that a meeting to be of any use has to be productive.  Surely the ultimate purpose of any meeting is to actually lead to the production of something….?

The other day I went to the home of a Balinese man for lunch, Wayan. He showed me around his home, which he pointed out was designed in the same configuration of all Balinese homes with sleeping rooms in one position, kitchen and dining room in another and a meeting area in another.Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 10.12.22 am

He stated that the meeting area was where the family get together at the end of each day to talk about their day and also to air any problems. He said it was important to resolve these things so that the next day was a new day. He said that if any one in the family was unhappy then all were unhappy until they sorted out any problems. He said they always did this because everyone wanted the new day to be a fresh start…. And he looked at me quizzically and said ‘Why wouldn’t you want that?’

Okay, I know since I have been writing my blog posts from Bali I may sound like a chapter in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ but maybe Julia Roberts and Ketut were onto Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 10.21.34 amsomething.

I thought about all the meetings I had been to where nothing was resolved and often animosity was they only outcome.

Also in our blended and often complicated family we tried the “Family Team Meeting” which was greeted with moans from the kids and trepidation (and hope) from my wife and I.  Thinking back now about those meetings I realised we did have the best of intentions, but not the best of methodologies (like most other meetings in the world!).  The agenda should have been what our heart was telling us and our outcomes only measured in the happiness of others.  Strangely enough now our kids all love the ‘family dinner’ where there are often 10+ people sitting around our dinner table (no mobile phones rule in force until after) actually talking to each other.  It is one of the most favourite things in my life.

I imagined myself at Wayan’s meeting where everybody there was looking towards the new day and everyone was ready to leave the old one behind. Grievances were left behind, failures were left behind, bridges were mended, caring and love were the key performance indicators.

I have often posted about living NOW: being mindful and not being trapped by the past or afraid of the future.

It is just that when you see these theories being an intimate part of a family, a culture and most of all the values of a person, I sometimes wonder if I really know where MY NOW is. Sometimes the realisation that now is not something you look for but something you have to stop and notice is as profound a realisation as knowing that each one of those moments never comes again.

There was a plaque I saw a few days ago (probably in a tourist shop, but where it was escapes me at the moment…) that said:

Yesterday is ashes
Tomorrow is wood
Only today does the fire burn brightly

Of course I looked it up on Google like you were going to (well, I hope!) and found that it is an old Eskimo Proverb…..

Just a thought, have you realised that the sayings, quotes or verse that inspires you, happens to often come from the simplest of lives.Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 10.52.07 am

I don’t go to a lot of meetings nowadays and miss them little.  But, I do intend to have a few meetings in the future.

The venue will be home, the participants family, the agenda happiness and the outcome a new day tomorrow.

Better Self Help Books

I have a book shelf full of ‘self-help books.

I am sitting here in an idyllic setting in Bali, with no books (obviously I have the internet!) thinking about what do all these self-help books actually teach me.

A few have changed the course of my life as I have read them and had that lightScreen Shot 2015-05-16 at 11.02.59 am bulb moment where I have thought, Oh Yeah, how come I never saw that before?  My great example of this is the little book called “Who Moved My Cheese.”  It takes about 45 minutes to read, and when I did, it changed my life when I was 45 years old.

Other books I have highlighted, taken notes, even put up little posters – often to no avail when the moment comes where the books sage advice should have saved me from often repeating the same mistake!

I actually like reading these books as I always think that if I do it enough something must stick!


I think I found the best self help book.  It actually wasn’t in the bookshelf it was in the bathroom; No! Not the pile of magazines in the toilet!

It was the mirror.

I think some time ago I was reading all these books trying to look for ‘the answer’ not realising it was staring back at me all the time.Photo on 16-05-2015 at 11.21 am (1)

I think I spent to many years looking at someone who wasn’t me.  Whether the mirror was steamed over (anger has a tendency to do that!) or whether I had to many disguises and I never was too sure who that bloke was who was looking back at me.  Also, I think life with all its media expectations, advertising and trends can turn that mirror, or at least our view of it, into the reflection you get from those old fashioned side-show mirrors – it’s a reflection of you, but somehow it is just not right.  Another great way to get the reflection you want, is not to look – I did a lot of that.

Maybe the self-help books helped me to look, or maybe it was just that time, or maybe it was fate, luck, karma….

Irrespective of the reason, once you have seen it, it is hard to un-see.  I would often tell people at work that once you know something you can’t ‘unknown’ it – so do you really want to know – often people wont ask anymore questions.

The one thing about self-help books is that you can put them back in the bookshelf and forget about them.  Strangely enough a lot of the self-help books I have bought have been in second hand and op-shops;  I often wonder if the people who donated them didn’t need them anymore or considering the condition of some of them, if they even actually read them?

But, the best self help book – your reflection you can’t put it way.  Oh, yeah you can stop looking in the mirror, but that is only a part of it.  You are constantly reflected in all the people around you – they are your true mirrors.  Strangely enough it is NOT what they think about you but what you think about them.

Your value, my value, our value, is really about the way we see the world.  It is about the reflection we see.

I haven’t quite worked out my reflection just yet, other than I probably need to get a hair cut!  I know I see someone who wants to be a better man.

I think I will continue to look in the mirror until I can really see.



Better Budget Forecast

Today I had to go and pick up our washing from the laundry.

I thought there had been some mistake on the receipt.

(It was only a weeks washing)

We had all our clothes washed, ironed, folded and wrapped in plastic.

I checked the receipt with the young lass at the laundry and apparently it was correct, it was…..


By the way we are holidaying in Bali!

I felt bad as upon arrival I was wearing a new shirt and I asked the girl to iron it for me which she did straight way (I was meeting my wife for dinner and trying to impress!), she refused payment to the point of following me out the store with the extra money I had given her for ironing my shirt…. it was 0.20 cents!  I had to leave it on the counter and run away.

I ran for two reasons.  I felt bad that all our laundry for a week had been done for $1.50 and bad that I ever….. read that ever….. complained about……. well just about anything.

THE FEDERAL BUDGET came out today and I read about it on Adelaide Now after I picked up my laundry.  I saw the figures being quoted about what we were spending, what people were getting and what people were missing out on.

I saw we are cutting our aid to Indonesia.  Why!  Well not because the laundry costs are too high!

I love my blog and love that it is about me (remember it is ALL about me!) but I keep finding that we are disappointing me.  Yes, we the people, and yes, we, me!

I am writing more and more about how I am disappointed in…… well, humanity!

Our Federal Budget is not really about anything.  It is about Child Care being $100 dollars an hour for working Mums and unemployment for our kids being their fault.  It is about old men (who are not really that old) getting their laundry done and not knowing who does it let alone how much it costs.  It is about the maintenance of a 5 million dollars house (why would you ‘need’ that) and people dying on our roads due to lack of maintenance.

It is about millions of dollars when 15 thousand rupiah will get a weeks washing done.

It is about knowing your future by the friends you keep.

Tomorrow I am going to dump lunch at the lodge and have a nasi goering with the laundry girl…. my shout!



Better Road Rules

A while ago I wrote a post about driving in Bali (see Better Driving or Dancing).

I am now back here and driving again.

The most important road rule here is – patience.

We drove from Seminyak to Ubud which is about 30 kilometres and it took us one and a half hours!  The roads are narrow, often in disrepair,  there are few traffic lights and the traffic is peak hour from 8 am to 9 pm!

I enjoyed this drive more than going to the shops (3 km away) at home in Adelaide.  It is important to note that I am on holidays and as such most of us tend to slow down and take it like it is, but, most of the other people on the roads we having a ‘normal’ day.  So, why did I enjoy the drive?

Because of two things: patience and courtesy.  These are the two main road rules in Bali, and they are contagious.

Just this afternoon in the heart of Ubud at peak hour traffic (remember that is all day) we say a young school girl approach the security guard/parking attendant/greeter at the restaurant we were having coffee at; in typical all over the world school girl fashion pulled on his sleeve to get his attention;  he bent down and she whispered something in his ear.  He then took her by the DSCN2214hand, started blowing his whistle feverishly, flapping his little orange flag about, and walked with her out onto the road, stopping all the traffic so she could get onto her school bus.  All the traffic stopped!  Not one horn was blow, fist waved or abuse hurled.  My wife in her blog talks of ‘moments of joy’ – and perhaps this was one, but more importantly it was the absolute epitome of courtesy, manners, patience and a demonstration of values over rules.

In Australia and most western countries we have so much legislation that we tend to ignore it all – there are no ‘important’ road rules, there are just an enormous list of rules we can get a ticket for!  Remember the Police telling us of the ‘fatal 5’ have not real statistical justification (other than inattention) for these being the 5 offences they choose to target – they are just the most prevalent and cost effective. (I did no, read, NO research into that last statement – prove me wrong- I dare you!)

I should actually do a lot more research in my posts, but can’t want to!

It is always my belief that the main reasons people have car crashes are:

  • Inattention
  • Lack of Experience/Skill
  • Impatience

All of which could be fixed with adequate training.  This training would start at home from birth.  It would consist of a few basic lessons:

  1. Learning that you are not the most important person in the world.
  2. Learning that you are not entitled to anything, you earn it.
  3. Empathy.
  4. Generosity.
  5. Courtesy and manners.
  6. Real life is tangible not electronic.

After about 16 years of training you get to drive a car!

Our driving in Australia is akin to our lives.  We rush recklessly to things that most of the time don’t matter.  In that rush we forget that someone else may be rushing to something that does matter.

We don’t need better road rules we need better drivers.  I am going to start a campaign to make this happen.

I am going to start with me.


Better the Dialectic Australian in Bali

Okay, I know I am on what appears another never ending holiday in Bali, but it gives me time to think…..

The word dialectic is pretty complicated in itself – it means basically a logical argument process where two things can exist at the same time which eventually leads to a conclusion…  at the time that the two initial positions are held (the thesis and the anti-thesis!) both can be correct.  The analysis and problem solving (and perhaps even a bit of appreciative enquiry), lead to the a synthesis, which itself then becomes a thesis or anti-thesis….. and so the process goes on.Screen Shot 2015-05-09 at 11.05.19 am

I think Australians in Bali are a thesis and Australians in Adelaide are an anti-thesis, but the media (fuck I hate the media! – Hate, strong word, hurts my soul more than their sales – so, I will rephrase that…. I think the media influences us to much and we let them…) make us believe that there are not two separate things – two separate Australians who both think they are right, both existing at the same time, in the same person.

So lets play a game.  Bali Day and Adelaide Day!

Bali Day
“Good Morning” (I cant understand this local language) “Salamet.. what the fuck!”  Why don’t they speak english.
Adelaide Day
(Any migrant trying to do anything/any tourist trying to do anything)
“Excuse me (use of some other language)
“What the fuck mate if you’re coming her learn to speak Australian”


Bali Day
“Fuck this food is shit and too fucking hot – where can I get a Parmey for fuck sake”
Adelaide Day
“This Halal food is fucking bullshit – where can I get a Parmey for fuck sake”


Bali Day
“Please put on a Sari to go into the temple and be modest in public….” “Yeah, right, get fucked I’m on holidays, skull, skull, skull – show us your tits!!!!”
Adelaide Day
“Ban the Burka you fucking terrorist!”


Bali Day
“In Bali we respect our elders, our President and each other.  If you offend my friend, my President, my family, you offend me, please apologise”.
Adelaide Day
“Our Prime Minister should go to Jakarta and teach the Indonesian President Bloke a few fucking manners….. How dare they offend us by upholding their laws in their own country, they better not come here and tell us what to do…. yeah….. fuck ’em”


Bali Day
“How can I help you”
Adelaide Day
“Are you right?”  (Just pay attention the next time someone serves you)


Bali Day
“I will put out my offerings in the morning praying for a good day, health and happiness, for my country, my family and me (in that order)”
Adelaide Day
“I will read the Newspaper, Surf the Internet, Check Facebook, watch the 6 0’clock news and be told what I will be outraged about today – and, I might have a Parmey.”

My last post was about the death penalty and some food for thought.  I don’t think I actually was strong enough about my thoughts on the Indonesian executions.  So, here I go:


Stop being outraged against this lawful act by another country, in their own country.  I need you to also read the following:


Is this ‘dialectic’ thinking: well perhaps?  But, in the end I will not be outraged because the media tell me to.  I will not be outraged because my Government is doing what the media tells it to.  I will not support offending another nation when we would not tolerate such offence (PS:  I can’t member Indonesia tapping Abbotts’ phone!)

I can not condone the withdrawal of our Ambassador from Indonesia when there are so many Australia’s here that may need the help of our own Goverment – in all honesty, “What the….”  I can not condone outrage today for something that there was no outrage for yesterday and none today and there will be none tomorrow.

Read my last post and think about “perspective”.

Bali Day
I love my country
Adelaide Day
I love my country